Tuesday, July 8, 2008

White Neo-Pagans Like the First Post

This is my first post. I'll admit that I'm building upon the brilliance of others; I heard an interview on CBC with a guy who create a blog called Stuff White People Like. After reading a few entries, I thought it would be fun to start a similar blog about the Pagan community.

So why the controversial "White Neo-Pagans"? Well, there are a few notions behind that. Most of the Neo-Pagans I know are white, no way around it. I also know a few Asian, African, Haitian, Native pagans too, but the majority are white Canadians (of which I am one with my mixed mutthood of Irish and French heritages). If I can keep this blog going, I imagine I'll have posts about other ethnicities too. No one is truly safe, not really.

Also, there's something inherently alarming about the word "White" in modern-day usage. The other colours of the rainbow don't seem to suffer from the same PR problems that the colour White does. No one seems alarmed (and rightly so) by the Red Cross, the GCC, or the NABFA.

I'm not sure what it is, but it's right up there with the word "Men" (as in Men's Club, Men's Fraternity, and Mennen). But that's a whole other blog.

So welcome to this rollercoaster ride. Keep in mind that it's meant to be tongue in cheek and if you get offended by what you read here, it probably means that the post applies to you somehow, but you hope nobody realizes it ("OMG... that post is soooooo Bob the Bad Pagan!").

1 comment:

Arnaud said...

There is not enough blackness here